mimicking culture, interest, literature and even love
Ileana Marin interviewing Doina Ruști
2025-02-25Micronarratives and the City
Ileana Marin examines the creative power of wandering in the city of Bucharest through a selection of Romanian literary works
2024-07-19Gigiancu of Olari
He was the Colossus, the Pillar, the Giant, the Pole, and eventually he became, simply, Gigiancu of the Olari slums.
2023-02-07The Strawberry Post about the novel The Book of Perilous Dishes
A very interesting and brilliant historical fantasy
2022-12-11Magical Food, Latin Deities, & Balkan Tradition: An Interview with Doina Ruști by Alyse Mgrdichian
I am a Latinist, and that is why I used elements from peripheral Latin mythology in my book. Sator was a generic name for the supreme creator of the world, and was only rarely used ...
2022-05-09The Book of Perilous Dishes - Doina Rusti
Coming soon to the London Book Fair 5-8 April 2022
2022-03-28Celebrating Woman in Translation
A pleasant dialogue with Alyse MGRDICHIAN: she asked me and I told (a little) about the Phanariots
2021-10-15Conversation with Doina Ruști, writer
It all reminds me of a movie that years ago seemed nothing more than a cheap comedy: Idiocracy (Mike Judge). Now it’s like we’re all playing a part in this very film.
2020-06-23Interview with Doina Ruști, Romanian Novelist
An interview in ARCS Projects, University of Washington, Seattle, by Ileana Marin
2020-05-15The Killer Virus and the Seductive Woman
once upon a time there was a ravishingly beautiful woman, who liked two things above all else: roaming the world and loving men.
2020-03-04The Red Man
The name, the repeated and the forgotten word are three sintems and each of them refers to an important aspect of the symbolic communication. Three Brothers Serving the Red Man, an old Romanian story, found ...
Sometimes, I'm passing alongside cars, on crowded streets, beside people who do not see me, and somewhere, in the shady areas of the city, I hear a voice coming from the tumultuous heart of Homeric ...
The Resistance of Villains Examples of history: a thief, a crazy prince and a great poet (in Adevărul)
About what do you think is this book? It's the book of stone heads? It's a volume of stories? Or lyrics? In any case, It's a fresh, 400-page book.
2019-05-17I was in China
First, I told Corina Dobre about what fascinated me in China - in Correspondent show, TVRi: the thirst of literature, literary encounters and many trips across a country as a continent. First impressions, which the ...
2019-05-15Jurnalul meu în China. Final
La festivalul licorilor scriitoricești, în orașul rachiului de orez si la Marele Zid. Cam asa s-a încheiat călătoria mea în China.
2019-04-26The Joimaritze's Day
Little fairies, born of Jupiter's eyes, the Joimaritze are bright and cruel, and they know the way of the dead and hate the melancholy.
2019-04-25Literature of the Future
Books will no longer be sold, they will be placed together in a virtual library where people will follow a word, which will subsequently lead them to the delightful core of the great text. No ...
Scenes of love are not easy to write. Hypocritically, the young writer avoids, under the very pretentious pretext, that physical love should not be narrated. It is true that you can quickly become stupid, but ...
2019-04-12The Peripheric Character
The character at the edge of the novel, figurative, ephemeral but yet memorable in many cases!
2019-04-05Back in China
One month in China , at the Beijing Literature Academy With my novel Mîța Vinerii/ The Book of Perilous Dishes
2019-03-17The Author of a Novel
Creative Writing: about author like character. Bucharest University video
2019-03-11Four years after the appearance of the novel "Fanariot Manuscript"
A photograph of my friend Eugen Negrici
2019-03-06Two years after the novel The Book of Perilous Dishes/Mâța Vinerii.
One of the best-selling books. Along side Andrei Plesu, Mircea Cartarescu, Doina Rusti was among the best-selling writers. A TVR video, signed by Mirela Nagat
2019-03-01My characters
Who are my heroes, what do they look like, what role do they have in the novel? Each character expresses a connection, one of those meetings, during which two people (myself and the character) lived ...
2019-02-27My characters
Who are my heroes, what do they look like, what role do they have in the novel? Each character expresses a connection, one of those meetings, during which two people (myself and the character) lived ...
2019-02-27Hyperlitaratura top by CARLA-FRANCESCA SCHOPPEL
2019-02-11To National Television
About The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival , to “Convietuiri”, Romanian TVR1: Camelia Vacaru in dialogue with Doina Ruști.
2019-01-09Guangzhou și Shenzhen: Doina Ruști to The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival
The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival will bring leading writers from all across the European Union to China in a celebration of books, writers and readers. European and Chinese writers will gather to showcase their ...
2018-11-19“The Book of Perilous Dishes” to Hungarian Writers Union
The novel The Book of Perilous Dishes (Romanian title: Mata Vinerii) recently appeared at the Orpheusz Publishing House (Budapest), translated by Szenkovics Eniko. In Hungarian the title of the novel is Arto receptek konyve . ...
2018-10-24The Soldier’s Book A documentary by Doina Ruști și Marius Donici
First projection: The History Museum of Bucharest, at Thursday's meetings, organized by Cătălin D. Constantin
2018-10-12Zogru - como una pintura de Chagall
A chronicle in the Chilean daily El Mercurio, signed by Pedro Gandolfo, considered unanimously the most demanding and refined chronicler in Santiago de Chille.
2018-08-19Zogru translated into Spanish
A discussion about novel ZOGRU by Doina Ruști to Santiago de Chile, in the "Pablo Neruda House"
2018-05-08Doina Ruști in Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The novel Das Phantom in der Mühle by Doina Ruști in Neue Zürcher Zeitung
2018-01-04Gaudeamus 2017 The Ghost in the Mill
A literary event: the second edition of the novel "The Ghost of the Mill" The product of a powerful original prose writer, a rara avis in post communist Romanian literature, The Ghost in the Mill ...
2017-11-25The Ghost in the Mill by Doina Rusti
A Romanian event at the Frankfurt Book Fair: Das Phantom in der Mühle the German translation of the novel The Ghost in the Mill by Doina Rusti
2017-10-14Meeting with readers to Carusel, Cărturești-Lipscani
The Book of Perilous Dishes (Mâța Vinerii)
2017-03-09Interview, Idividi, Skopje
I think it is only natural that the narrative voice is female, since I am a woman. At the same time, I must confess that I think it is simplistic to write from a masculine ...
2016-11-08Interview in TEA Moderna journal, Doina Ruști & Marija Sarevska, Skopje
The great stories have already been told
2016-11-08Skopje, Book Star
To Book Star Festival, with Zarko Kujundjiski, Valentina Kostova, Ermis Lfazanovski, Alexandra Kaitozis.
2016-11-08Reading in Europe
Plovdiv (with Vasilka Alexova & [Bojidar Kuncev)] [Torino, 2010 (with Dan Lungu, Adrian Babeți, Radu Pavel Gheo)] [ Granada, 2012] Torino, 2012 (with Marco Dotti, Roberto Merlo) Berlin, 2013 (with Gabriela Admeșteanu, Jan Cornelius) Leipzig, ...
2016-09-17The Phanariot Manuscript in the Translation Café Journal
It all started from a "nizam", an order given by prince Alexandru Moruzi, who wanted a fugitive valet found. It was from the year 1794. This document whetted my appetite, especially considering the fact that ...
2015-07-01Cristian , short movie, Cannes, Corner. About the homonymous story
Cristian story was published în the book "Cămașa în carouri” (The checkered shirt and 10 other episodes from Bucharest), Polirom, 2010.
2015-05-17Review about Lizoanca (Eliza a los once annos) by Doina Ruști. La Opinion de Murcia, Spania
The review by Antonio J. Ubero, about the novel Lizoanca by Doina Ruști, in La Opinion de Murcia
2015-01-03La FILIT
The autumn meetings with Iași city I remember me the hopes of my younger years, crooked from Râpa Galbenă to Copou Hill.
2013-10-25“Lizoanca" in Berlin -a Senator Susanne Kastner invitation.
Reading from "Lizoanca" (translated by Jan Cornelius), Ed Horlemann, Berlin An event organized by Senator Susanne Kastner ] and Deutsch-Rumänisches Forum. With the support of the Embassy of Romania, Berlin.
2013-04-15Four men plus Aurelius in the Ziarul de Duminică Journal
Talking with Stelian Țurlea about Patru bărbați plus Aurelius
2011-06-15Four men plus Aurelius in Luceafărul Journal
The incumbency of literature - review of the novel Four men plus Aurelius de Gabriela Gheorghișor