


Zavaidoc in the Year of Love

The mother of two chicories

The Book of Perilous Dishes

The Ghost in the Mill

The Little Red Man

Lizoanca at the age of eleven


The checkered shirt and 10 other episodes from Bucharest

Occult Beds


The Phanariot Manuscript

Four men plus Aurelius

The fiancée

Press articles

Full of humor in some sequences, in other tragic and ferocious, sometimes fantastic and luminous, like a Chagall painting, which is predominant in this wonderful story [ "Zogru"] is the figure of the terrible loneliness in which lies the human spirit.

Pedro Gandolfo, , August 19, 2018

The Phantom is the narrative catalyst that makes secret forces manifest, especially those of a sexual nature, being also the most visible, single faith, dissolved in the last part of the novel (the novel The Ghost in the Mill).

Markus Bauer

The novel Eliza a los once años by Doina Ruști has exceptional literary qualities

Doina Ruști convierte su novela en una furiosa causa general contra la depravación de los valores éticos que han de regir cualquer sociedad desarrollada. Mas alla de su enorme valor documental, esta novela releva las extraordinarias cualidades literarias. (Antonio J. Ubero, La Opinión, 3 01, 2015)

Antonio J. Ubero, La Opinion