
Two years after the novel The Book of Perilous Dishes/Mâța Vinerii.

One of the best‑selling books. Along side Andrei Plesu, Mircea Cartarescu, Doina Rusti was among the best‑selling writers. A TVR video, signed by Mirela Nagat (2019-03-01)
Two years after the novel The Book of Perilous Dishes/Mâța Vinerii. - Doina Ruști
Cei mai vânduți scriitori: Bookfest, punctul culminant.

Mâța Vinerii/The Book of Perilous Dishes

Everyone stopped where they were. It was the hour of noon. Out of all the dizzying uproar, I could only understand that it was something about the Greceanca. Something had happened to her. Then I understood each word perfectly well.

(trans James Ch. Brown)

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