Zogru is an immortal, a Saint Germain who flow through history.
Marco Dotti - Il Manifesto
Hilarante por momentos, en otros trágica y feroz, a ratos fantástica y luminosa como una pintura de Chagall lo que prevalece en este maravilloso relato es la figura de la terribile soledad en que yace espíritu humano carente de amor.”
Pedro Gandolfo, El Mercurio, 19 august, 2018
“Zogru” - un singular libro de aventuras, que a la vez es una revisión de la historia rumana desde un imaginario que se entronca con leyendas populares como también fábula al cerca del amor y los sentimientos contemporáneos puestos al trasluz contra un entramando de muerte y pugnas de poder, en las que el sentido de pertenencia a un territorio cobra un valor principal. (Leonardo Sanhueza, Las Últimas Noticias, Chile, 7 mai, 2018)
Leonardo Sanhueza, Las Últimas Noticias, Chile, 7 mai, 2018
Doina Rusti is an erudite writer, and her character, Zogru is a mythical creature who "lives" in different characters for more than seven centuries, harboring amorous ambitions, financial and political.
Roumiana Stankeva, Culture
Con la testa que risuona di esclamativi e gli angoli delle labbra che tremano di una risatina difficile da trattenere. Stupefacente è il fuocco di fila di trovate di espressioni pungenti e fulminanti que l'autrice escogita per descrivere situazioni e stati d'animo della sua protagonista.
Alessandra Iadicicco. La Stampa
The novel [Zogru] is filled with an atrocious realism, showing a vision as veridical as possible strictly of contemporary reality, but it escapes in the fantastic in a way as natural as Marquez's famous Remedios was rising to the sky while she was hanging the laundry to dry.
Horia Garbea, Săptămâna Financiară, March 27, 2006
The fabulous, the miraculous, the supernatural blend with the petty history, in detail, even in the day-to-day life. A substantial and gripping novel, an altogether unwonted presence on the current literary stage.
Daniel Cristea Enache, România Literară, no. 23, June 13, 2008
Brigitte Madecen: Zogru is a insolit character more
Brigitte Madacéno, Lettres Capitales