
The Depraved Man from Gorgani

The Depraved Man from Gorgani - Doina Ruști
Litera, 2023 (Romanian)

52 stories of depravity, related to private documents from the 18th century

52 stories about the strangest areas of the passions, fictions symbolically linked to the particular documents of the Fanariot century.

A continuation of The Weird Love Stories from Phanariot Bucharest, in a different way, on another aesthetic level.

On this occasion, I returned to the Gorgani neighborhood, a fabulous space that once stretched from Cișmigiu to Cotroceni, the Năltărog’s universe from my novel Homeric, a space populated by ghosts, ogres, with mysterious carriages and „kiramels".

But in The Depraved man of Gorgani I tried to dwell only on the small incidents of a possible history of depravity.

Doina Ruști

Two stories - Năltărogul (Gigiancu) and Amantul (The Lover) - from this volume have been translated into English.

Here is the full text of the story The Lover

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